Tímea Tarjáni

Phone: +36 30 427 6699
Email: info@budapestjewishwalk.hu
5. Reguly Antal Street
1089 Budapest, Hungary

A tasty patch in the Jewish Quarter Szimpla Farmer’s Market

  • Budapest Jewish Walk live music
  • Budapest Jewish Walk Szimpla Farmer's Market
  • Budapest Jewish Walk pickles
  • Budapest Jewish Walk retro feeling
  • Budapest Jewish Walk market and ruin pub 2 in 1
  • Budapest Jewish Walk smoked and stuffed cheeses
  • Budapest Jewish Walk Trabant and veggies
  • Budapest Jewish Walk cheese tasting
  • Budapest Jewish Walk honey, a sweet Hungaricum

While walking in the Jewish Quarter in the 7th district of Budapest, it’s hard to find a street without a so­called ruin pub. But a ruin pub with a whole farmer’s market in its courtyard on Sundays is unique.
This cool and vibrant combo of the huge variety of local farmer­products can offer to city people and travellers alike a truly enjoyable and tasty experience. Fresh, healthy, home­grown and home­made quality products with live music and cool children’s programs make you stay and taste a bit of this, a bit of that. Do not even try to resist! To explore a local market is always a must, wherever you go in the world. And of course, it is much more than good food: it’s a relaxing, fulfilling program for everyone in such an authentic way: you’ll be caught by the atmosphere in a minute. Meet the locals, where the locals go.
The place, Szimpla (simple in English) is iconic in Budapest. I can simply add it to our itinerary.
Go, go, go!

I am very grateful for Kate Tarabukina for taking such beautiful photos during our walk. Thank you, Kate!


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